Found 25 results.
Community led
The involvement of the community in the project is detailed in a Communications and Engagement Strategy. This was initiated in the project’s scoping phase and proposed a tiered approach to communications and engagement.
Dealing with uncertainty
There is uncertainty associated with the predicted effects of climate change. Considering sea level rise (SLR), there is a high degree of near time certainty (see top figure below) and close alignment of the different modelled SLR scenarios1.
Supporting Documents
Implementation plan (MfE Step 8)
With the adoption of the CAPs by Council, the next stage is the development of an implementation plan for consultation via the Thames-Coromandel 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (Step 8 as shown in the figure below).
Monitor, review and adjust (MfE Steps 9 & 10)
The final steps in the adaptation planning process involve monitoring the indicators reflected in signals & triggers and monitoring the implementation & performance of the adaptation pathways (i.e., progress) (Step 9).
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