Monitor, review and adjust (MfE Steps 9 & 10)
The final steps in the adaptation planning process involve monitoring the indicators reflected in signals & triggers and monitoring the implementation & performance of the adaptation pathways (i.e., progress) (Step 9). This should be followed by review & adjustment of the pathways in time (Step 10). It is envisaged, for example, that the triggers and signals will be refined and may change overtime, as more data becomes available and/or circumstances change risk appetites (e.g., in the event of a major storm event or storm series or insurance retreat, or if community values change). It is also apparent that pathway actions could be undertaken sooner (or later) based on the results of monitoring. Such judgements should be made at a pathway management level and do not need to wait for a review phase.
The National Adaptation Plan (MfE, 2022) states that “We need to assess climate risks, plan and implement adaptation actions, then determine whether those actions were effective in reducing risks. For that reason, this plan is the first in a series of national adaptation plans that will be prepared every six years. Each plan will respond to a new national climate change risk assessment.”
The MfE guidance suggests that the first comprehensive review of the pathways should be undertaken in 10 years (albeit refinements could occur prior to this), unless significant change occurs or new information arises earlier. For Thames-Coromandel, a 10-year review process will be appropriate for most locations and should align with the Long Term Plan, but some pathways include short-term review actions which will be addressed in the implementation plan. Alternatively, review could be undertaken every six years to align with updates to the National Adaptation Plan.