Revision of the SMP
A 10-year review cycle is proposed for the SMP project.
The first review will be initiated in 2029/30 and report in 2031/32.
In the intervening period:
Minor updates that do not affect key decisions, pathways or significantly alter the intent of the document, can be made by TCDC staff in consultation with the Leadership Team.
Significant updates, that would alter key decisions, pathways, thresholds or triggers (i.e., the intent of the SMP), can only be made if confirmed by Council. In considering a proposed change Council will consider:
the significance of the proposed change;
new information that supports the change;
consultation requirements, as per Council’s significance and engagement policy;
consultation and engagement undertaken in support of the proposed change;
the consultation completed as part of the 2022 SMP; and,
the urgency of the proposed change relative to the timing of a scheduled full review.